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Results for search "Colonoscopy".

30 Oct

Traditional Colonoscopy Better Than New Blood Tests at Detecting Colon Cancer

A new study finds colonoscopies are better than newly available blood tests at detecting early colon cancer and precancerous polyps.A new study finds colonoscopies are better than newly available blood tests at detecting early colon cancer and precancerous polyps.

Health News Results - 33

FRIDAY, March 7, 2025 (HealthDay News) — A new risk prediction model can help identify people who are likely to develop early-onset colon cancer or small non-cancerous growths on other organs, researchers say.

The model relies on four factors associated with early-onset colon cancer: a family history of colon cancer, BMI, sex and smoking. (BMI is shorthand for body mass index, an es...

Preventive screenings for cancer declined during the pandemic, with lockdowns, social distancing and COVID-19 surges keeping many from needed mammograms and colonoscopies.

But breast and colon cancer screening numbers have since rebounded and have even surpassed pre-pandemic scree...

Appalachia has a rich history and gorgeous landscapes, but it has also experienced rates of cancer incidence and death that outstrip those of much of the rest of America.

However, new data offer hope to the 26 million people living in the region: Cancer rates are falling, although not as steeply as elsewhere in America.

Still, “there are reasons for hope and opportunities to i...

An experimental blood test can effectively and accurately detect colon cancer in middle-aged folks and seniors, a new study says.

The blood test was 81% accurate in detecting colon cancer among people who have the disease, researchers reported at the 2025 American Society of Cli...